
Our consulting services are designed to give you the most flexibility while saving you cost. We can dedicate a certain amount of hours to assist you in almost any computing need. We can assist you in web connectivity, server setup, Telephony, general trouble shooting, and training. If you have another need that we have not mentioned, please call us to see if we can be of assistance.
Our Consulting Rates:

General consulting and Training:

We can come in for general consulting if you have to troubleshoot a computer problem. We also can train your personnel on site to enhance their web skills. We offer a training program after site creation to allow your company to self maintain the site. We will train as needed depending on your comfort level with HTML.

Web Connectivity and Telephony:

Requires upfront negotiation to determine needs and our approach. As soon as we have determined our course of action, you will need to the purchase software from the software vendor. I will be helping you in this process; often, a software company will only sell the required software only to a developer. I will show you costs and receipt if I deal with them exclusively; I do seek your participation however. It is my goal to train you in the process so you can maintain and update your data.

If you are setting up a Fax Back Telephony server, you also need to purchase a separate Windows server strictly for Telephony from a partner company. To reconfigure an existing computer for Telephony will require too much time and effort; you may also end up paying more for a box that will not work appropriately.

We chargeby the hour for Telephony setup. We also reserve the right to consult with another specialist if a specialized problem arises.

  • Costs for Database connectivity vary depending upon solution. Some solutions can be as little as $400 total cost, and up.

  • Approximate costs for a Fax Back Telephony server is $5,000 for Hardware and software licenses, and $2,500 for consulting fee's.
Application Programming: ColdFusion, C# .Net: PHP: Javascript: etc.

We can hand code applications for you to use with your web site. Charges will be based on the application. Custom coded applications will be charged by the hour.

Web Server Setup:

We charge by the hour for server setup. This includes setting up the Hardware and Software services necessary. Extra Hardware and Software purchases my be necessary.

Half of all consulting fees will be payable up front and charged on a Bi-Monthly or Monthly basis depending on project duration.

Note: this site was originally created circa 1997.
Page updated on October 1 2023