The new version of CFBlogs ColdFusion Blog Aggregator has been released.

This version displays all of the blog posts in an attractive three-column card layout and displays the open graph image or a site image at the top of the post. The card images should allow the user to quickly convey the author of the post. Users can sort the grids by author by clicking on the card image.

This page also has several data grids in order to analyze ColdFusion blogging trends. I have put extra data available to the grids, such as including the generating blog software. Data from the grids and calendar widget on the bottom of the sidebar (opened by clicking on the hamburger) suggests that the current state of the ColdFusion blogging community is stronger than ever.

Advanced search capabilities are also present. Users can search from one or more active blog sites. There are nearly 150 ColdFusion-related blogs and all of the blogs have several years of data from which to search.  This should prove to be useful for ColdFusion developers wanting to research a particular ColdFusion-related topic.

This site should improve the SEO score of each blog covered as it provides a backlink to the blog postings. Google, and other search engines, consider backlinks 'votes' for a particular post and hopefully, this will improve the search scores for all the blogs covered. Additionally, there is also a ColdFusion community menu at the top of the page allowing users to quickly find other ColdFusion-related resources. 

CFBlogs also displays the posts from CFOverflow, and aggregates all of the posts to the CFBlogsFeed on Twitter, and the RSS feed can be used to show the ColdFusion blog posts on your own websites, instructions are found below.

The CFBlogs website can be found at

If you have any suggestions or want to add your own blog to the CfBlogs aggregator, please contact me.

How to put the CFBlogs feed on your own website

If you want to place the CFBlogs Feed on your own website, copy and paste the following code on your own site. An example of the following code can be found by clicking on the hamburger on this site.

<table align="center" class="k-content fixedPodTableWithWrap" width="100%" cellpadding="7" cellspacing="0">
		<cfset theURL = "">
		<cfhttp url="#theURL#" timeout="5">
		<cfset xml = xmlParse(cfhttp.filecontent)>
		<cfset items = xmlSearch(xml, "//*[local-name() = 'item']")>
		<!--- Set a loop counter to keep track of the current row for display purposes. --->
		<cfset feedLoopCount = 1>
		<cfloop index="x" from="1" to="#min(arrayLen(items),5)#">
			<cfset item = items[x]>
			<!-- Create alternating rows in the table. The Kendo classes which we will use are k-alt and k-content.
			We will create a border between the rows if the current row is not the first row. -->
			<cfif feedLoopCount mod 2>
				<cfset thisClass = 'k-content'>
				<cfset thisClass = 'k-alt'>
			<tr class="<cfoutput>#thisClass#</cfoutput>" height="35px;">
				<!--Create the nice borders after the first row.-->
				<cfif feedLoopCount eq 1>
				<td valign="top">
				<td align="left" valign="top" class="border">
					<!--Display the content.-->
					<a href="" <cfif darkTheme>style="color:whitesmoke"</cfif>>#item.title.xmlText#</a><br />
			<!---Increment the loop counter--->
			<cfset feedLoopCount = feedLoopCount + 1>
				CFBloggers down