Galaxie Blog allows you to change the blog sort order on the main blog page. This enhanced blog functionality conveys numerous benefits. You don't need to tediously plan and schedule the releases of your posts in reverse order to create a linear story. If you find out that you missed a vital blog part of the story between two blog posts, you may add it and then insert the new post between the other posts to fill the gap in the timeline.

Sure, you can change the actual dates of the blog post to re-order your posts at a later time, however, the search engines and RSS feeds will lose your previous posts and you may be penalized by the search engines as they may think that you're trying to duplicate your posts. If your post your blog posts on social media sites you will lose those as well and you may find yourself having a ton of broken links.

To change the blog sort order on the main blog page, simply open the Post Editor interface and click on the sort order button to the right of the published date.