Galaxie Blog Markdown Support
May 29 |
The Post Editor in Galaxie Blog has basic markdown support. Authors often use markdown to quickly create a post by typing in special markdown characters to format a post without using a mouse. Galaxie Blog supports many basic markdown patterns. If this proves to be a popular feature, I may program more markdown support in Galaxie Blog.
To use the Markdown features, type in the markdown character and the text you want converted right after it. The text will be converted on the fly to HTML.
Note: markdown will not work when inserting a code sample, as we have done below.
Galaxie Blog supports the following markdown patterns:
#formats the text after the pound sign to bold
**start end** formats bold
1convert to ordered list
*convert to unordered list
-convert to unordered list.
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MarkdownThis entry was posted on May 29, 2022 at 1:51 PM and has received 853 views.