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Things that I Wish I Had Known Before Setting Up a Smart Home - A Smart Home Primer
I have spent the last several years implementing a smart home, and there are a few things that I wish I had known. I will cover some important considerations when building a smart home in this article.

How to Pair Meross Smart WIFI Controller Accessory to a Garage Door
In this article, I will discuss installing the Meross Smart Garage Door opener with garage door openers with the yellow training button.

Securing ColdFusion Applications Using Encryption and Hashing
This article will discuss how to secure ColdFusion applications using hashed passwords and salt and how to encrypt and decrypt keys.

Using CodeMirror 5 and ColdFusion's FileOpen and FileWrite Functions to Implement CMS Functionality
In this article, we will use ColdFusion's file functions and CodeMirror to create CMS functionality that allows users to edit and save ColdFusion code using a browser interface.

2024 Fall Galaxie Blog Update
I want to provide an update on my upcoming plans with the Galaxie blog in late 2024.

How to Temporarily Disable Database Triggers and Constraints for Bulk Operations in Modern Databases
In this article, we will explore how to temporarily disable database triggers and constraints.

Creating Animated Parallax Scenes Using ScrollMagic and ColdFusion
In this article, I will provide a high-level overview of ScrollMagic and show you how to use ColdFusion to programmatically create stunning parallax scenes using ScrollMagic.

Easilly Port your ACF ORM Code to Lucee 6 Using the Ortus ORM Extension
This post will discuss how to port your existing Adobe ColdFusion-based ORM code to Lucee using the Otrus ORM Extension.

Galaxie Blog 3.57 is Released
Galaxie Blog 3.57 has been released. This post highlights some of the new features.