Galaxie Blog is a Next Generation Blog Platform

Galaxie Blog is the most beautiful and functional open sourced ColdFusion blog in the world.

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Galaxie Blog is fast....

Galaxie Blog consistently performs above 80% in Google lighthouse scores...

For comparison, the industry average performance score of the top ecommerce sites is is around 22%

Galaxie Blog is Accessible...

Galaxie Blog has a perfect 100% 'Accessibility' Google Score

The industry average sites is around 60%.

Galaxie Blog has a perfect 100% 'Best Practices' Google Score

Galaxie Blog uses all of the 'Best Practices' suggested by Google.

The industry average score is about 61%

Galaxie Blog has a perfect 'Search Engine Opimization (SEO)' score.

Having a perfect SEO ensures that search engines will be able to collect and promote your content.

Galaxie Blog allows you to enforce SSL....

Blog owners can specify whether to enforce SSL. If SSL is enforced, all port 80 traffic will be a automatically redirected to an encryted port.

Galaxie Blog delivers next generation media content...

Galaxy Blog now delivers webp images if both the client and the server support the new webp format.

If webp is not supported, Galaxy Blog will fallback and deliver images using tradional web formats.

Improved Entry Image Support

Administrators can easilly add images to their entries by clicking on a button and selecting an image. Galaxie Blog will take care of the rest.

To improve performance, Galaxie Blog will only render the image once it comes into the user's viewport.

Improved Social Media Sharing

Galaxie Blog now prominently displays social media icons to share your social media at the bottom of each individual blog entry.

You can use dynamic includes within an entry using xml.

This very GSAP scene that you're looking at now is acheived using a dynamic cfinclude.

Goals for the next version...

Overhaul the original database and add 'Disqus' integration.

Galaxie Blog is still using the original BlogCfc database and it must be updated. If feasable, I will add Disqus comment integration.