Introducing Galaxie Blog

Galaxie Blog is a free open source ColdFusion based blog.

It is intended to be the most beautiful and functional open sourced ColdFusion based blog in the world.

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Stunning Mobile Interface...

Galaxie Blog is a responsive website that offers nearly identical functionality for both desktop and mobile devices.

Galaxie Blog is Eminently Themeable

Galaxie Blog has dozens of professionally designed pre-defined themes.

Changing the look and feel of you blog does not require any coding, you can use web based interfaces to perfectly adjust each theme.

Versatile Post Formats...

Add podcasts, thumbnails, images, and enclosures. Blog entries support using inline .css, scripts, and HTML.

Add Engaging Content and Special Effects...

Includes a HTML5 media player as well as a Flash player to allow users to add various media.

Galaxie Blog also has built in support for animations using the Green Sock Animation Platform.

Display Your Code...

Easilly display your code by wrapping your posts with 'code' tags. The code will be displayed and will be automatically adjusted to match your theme.

Interact With Your Users...

Galaxie Blog allows users to add comments and use their own gravatar.

Captcha support and blog moderation capabilities are included.

Share Your Content...

Allow readers to share your blog content with built-in social media sharing.

Users can subscribe to your blog or subscribe to a selected post. Galaxie Blog also can share your content with various communities via RSS feeds.

Organize And Find Your Posts...

Categories and tag support are built-in. You can also associate your blog entries and related posts.

Find your posts using a search engine at the top of the site. Posts are also automatically displayed by date and can be selected using a calendar control.

Optimized for Search Engines

Galaxie Blog is SEO friendly and has a 100% google SEO score.

The Future of Galaxie Blog...

I intend using Galaxie Blog for my own personal blog, and it is a key component of my own personal portfolio.

I am adding capabilities to use a rich editor within a mobile interface to quickly share my personal photography while out in the field.