It is trivial to add media to your blog posts using Galaxie Blog. Galaxie Blog can upload popular image formats such as .png, .gif, and .jpg and handles embedded media such as QuickTime, Flash, ShockWave, RealPlayer, and Windows Media Player. 

All of the media are responsive and will look great on all devices.

You may insert media in both the Enclosure Image Editor and the Tiny Post Editor. The enclosure image editor is used to attach the media at the top of the post and is also known as the hero image as it captures the user's attention. You may also include media inline in a post using the post editor. 

If you upload an enclosure using the Tiny Post Editor, Galaxie Blog will take the media and create optimized images/videos for social media sharing. Both editors will allow you to make minor image adjustments such as cropping or rotating the images.

This article will cover the following two interfaces to insert media. 

  1. Insert/Edit Image
  2. Insert/Edit Media

These two interfaces are used numerous times throughout the Galaxie Blog application and you should become comfortable with them.

There are more interfaces to insert media, such as uploading a local video and inserting image galleries and maps, but we will cover these interfaces in later blog posts. 

1) Insert/Edit Image Interface

To open the insert edit interface, click on the square icon with the mountains. Alternatively, you can select Insert - Image.

The Insert/Edit image interface can be used to:

  1. Link to an image by entering the URL into the source field.
    1. You can enter the alternative description for each image.
    2. If the image exists, the interface should provide an automatic preview.
    3. The image height and width should auto-populate when the image is found. 
  2. Upload an image located on your local device (both mobile and desktop clients).
    1. You can drag and drop the image to upload.
    2. You can also browse for an image, or use the camera when using a mobile device.
      • For best social media sharing results, you should try to use an image having at least 1200 pixels wide by 675 in height- landscape images work best.
      • Make sure that the image is compressed. The uploader may fail if the image is too large.
      • Only valid HTML5 image files will be displayed when using the finder.

Image Editing

Any image that is placed can be edited by clicking on the image and clicking on the edit image icon. The available image editing tools are generally simple sliders or easily understood icons such as rotate left, right, etc. The following editing features are available:

  • Crop
  • Resize
  • Orientation
  • Brightness
  • Contrast
  • Color Levels
  • Gamma
  • Invert

2) Insert/Edit Media

To open the insert edit interface, click on the square icon with an arrow pointing towards the right. Alternatively, you can select Insert - Media.

The Insert/Edit Media is used for media other than images such as HTML5 video.

This editor behaves similarly to the Insert/Edit Image interface with a few caveats:

  1. If you use a URL to a YouTube or Vimeo video, the video will preview inside of the editor using the vendor's native player.
  2. You may enter an alternate source that will be used as a fallback source.
  3. Image posters can be included that will cover the video until it is being played. 
  4. Like the Insert/Edit image interface, if used as an enclosure, Galaxie Blog will prepare the video to share on Facebook1 and Twitter. 
  5. You can include as many videos within a blog post as you would like.
  6. You may not upload local videos using this interface. However, you may use the upload video interface in the Enclosure editor which will be covered in another blog post.

Videos can be inserted from multiple external sources such as YouTube and Vimeo

YouTube Video:

1 Note: there is a relatively recent bug with Facebook that prevents YouTube and Vimeo video content from playing when shared. See