Galaxie Blog 3 is Now Released
Jun 9 |
I am proud to announce that Galaxie Blog 3 is finally released. I aimed to build one of the most comprehensive HTML5-based blogging platforms that meets or exceeds the out-of-the-box core blogging functionality of major platforms like WordPress. Take a look and see- with Galaxie Blog 3, you will also agree that we delivered on that goal.
Table of Contents
What is Galaxie Blog?
Galaxie Blog is one of the world's most full-featured, out-of-the-box blogging platforms.
Galaxie Blog was developed with a mobile-first priority. We have emphasized perfecting the mobile experience so you can manage the blog and create stunning blog posts with a tablet or phone. It is a beautiful HTML5 web application with extensive media support. It will take the media you upload and create new media formatted for major social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
Galaxie Blog has elegant drag-and-drop TinyMCE-based editors that are easy to use. You don't need to know any HTML to create a beautiful blog post. These interfaces allow you to upload images, videos, and image galleries and create maps and map routes. Galaxie Blog is also perfect for the travel blogger—it offers comprehensive tools to generate and share various types of maps free of charge.
Galaxie Blog is eminently themeable. The blog has nearly 30 pre-built themes; you can develop your theme within a few minutes. Unique fonts can be applied to any theme.
Galaxie Blog has extensive SEO features to improve your ranking with search engines. Its Google Lighthouse SEO score is 100%. Galaxie Blog also automatically structures your blog data for search engines using the most modern version of JSON-LD. It also automatically generates RSS, allowing other applications to access your blog posts and create real-time feeds.
Galaxie Blog supports multiple users and user capabilities. There are nine different user roles and dozens of unique capabilities. You can create new custom roles with unique capabilities. For example, you may assign one user to moderate the blog comments and another to edit the contents of a post.
Galaxie Blog supports more databases than any other major blog software and can be used with any modern database.
Galaxie Blog can be hosted on any ColdFusion-based server. Its automatic installer guides you through the installation. Typical ColdFusion hosting plans start around $20 per month.
Why Galaxie Blog?
The other blog software, such as WordPress, offers a vast array of features. However, the choices you must make to set up a blog are often quite bewildering.
The majority of the other blogging systems have what is called a freemium business model. This model provides basic blogging features at no cost but charges a premium for additional or advanced features. Every advanced feature set needs to be researched and purchased separately. Often, you may not be aware that these features are missing until they are required, and you may have to resort to making multiple complex ad-hoc purchases. There are also tens of thousands of proprietary themes, each produced by different developers, and not all are safe or legitimate. Without trial and error, it is impossible to determine if the plugins you have chosen will work seamlessly with your themes.
Galaxie Blog is different. This blog can't offer the breadth of choice that other blogging systems, such as WordPress, offer; however, everything is tightly integrated, and everything will seamlessly work together. Galaxie Blog already has most of these freemium features built-in. For example, Galaxie Blog has nearly every TinyMCE open-source plugin built-in. There are hundreds of features here, from embedding programmatic code to having hundreds of silly emoticons you can embed in a post.
We also have added TinyMCE freemium features. Galaxie Blog supports rich image and media support and the ability to auto-generate a table of contents, which now requires an $80 TinyDrive subscription.
We have also added advanced features such as embedding static maps, maps that display the route between two or more locations, and rich gallery support.
Other major freemium features include rendering your images for a perfect social media preview, advanced SEO tools that generate JSON to include rich Google media snippets to your Google search results, branded emails that go out to your user subscription base, and more. All of these freemium features are included for free.
Galaxie Blog has scores of open-source libraries, and each library has been carefully integrated into Galaxie Blog and will work with all our themes. For example, the buttons on your videos will take on the primary color of your selected theme. If you embed a map route, the route shown will also take on the primary color of the theme. Nearly every Galaxie Blog widget will be tailored to your selected theme! You won't find this tight level of integration in a different blogging system.
Experience Galaxie Blog Yourself
If you want to experience Galaxie Blog, please get in touch with me, provide your full name and email address, and I will set up a free account for you. I won't give you a sales pitch or bug you, but you can investigate the blog's administrative interfaces yourself. I require an initial contact as I don't want to manage spam and adult content.
Contact me if you're having any issues with the Galaxie Blog installation. I will try to help you free of charge. I may not be able to help you in all situations, but I will try to respond to you as soon as possible. It is important for me to try to support you.
If you are impressed with this blog, please consider visiting my GitHub site and starring this repository. I have spent thousands of hours developing this over the last four years, and it means a lot to me to know that you appreciate my contribution to the open-source community.
Happy Blogging!
Galaxie Blog 3.0This entry was posted on June 9, 2022 at 1:12 PM and has received 2074 views.